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How to play

You are a story shifter! You can make this story happen!

Enter minds of protagonists by clicking on their icon in the strip on the right. Click on objects to interact with them and watch the story progress.

Hover over objects to get more info. Press "Hint" if you are stuck!

Feedback welcome at @martin_cerny_ai

Further Credits

Sound FX by Luca Formicula - @LucaFormicola83

Backgrounds are procedurally generated by a program created by @EdoardoLopes

Book image by kuroro7: http://kuroro7.deviantart.com/art/old-book-167601869

Next and previous Icon by Gormster: http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Minimal-next-icon.png, http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Minimal-prev-icon.png.